Facilities and Activities

We Believe In Keeping Children Physically & Mentally Engaged

The Garden
Little Angels Nursery is modern, clean and equipped to a high safety level. Children can enjoy our large and secure walled-in garden and take part in activities such as planting and growing vegetables in the vegetable patch. The garden has a variety of play areas including swings, slides, tunnel, sunken trampoline, climbing equipment, wendy house, mini maze, and many other toys and activities.

Learning Materials and Toys
We provide a wide range of appropriate learning materials and stimulating, high-quality, indoor and outdoor toys and activities – these include jigsaw puzzles, dressing up/role play, cooking, sporting activities, musical movement, home corner, caring for our nursery pets. All this is at your child’s fingertips during his or her time at Little Angels.

As part of the Nursery routine we take children to the library, parks, beach, etc. With all excursions parents/carers will be asked to sign a general consent form to show that you are happy for your child to be included. The staff ratio for outings depends on where we are going and the mode of travel etc.


Information about our Baby Room

Settling in
We understand how difficult it can be to leave your baby in nursery for the first time. In order to give you peace of mind, we ask you and baby to come in for a few visits before you start. This gives you an opportunity to meet our friendly staff and for you all to experience what life is like in the baby room.

At any time, our staff will be happy to talk with you regarding your child and will help to reassure you or address any concerns you may have.

In the baby room, we fill in a daily diary, which lets you know what your child has been doing that day.


More Information…

Within the baby room, we aim to give the children the best start to nursery life and education that we can.

In the baby room, we have a weekly planning routine, which includes selecting the toys for each day and the activities for the week. We try to ensure we provide a wide selection of toys, activities and experiences to stimulate your child and to encourage learning and understanding.

Our activities promote all developmental areas within the foundation stage including: Physical, social, emotional. intellectual, language, creative and imaginative development.

We understand that every child is an individual, with individual needs, and to promote a smooth transition from home to nursery, we endeavour to follow any routines baby may have at home.

In the baby room, we provide a high standard of care and love, to each and every child, through cuddles and interaction, helping to
develop strong bonds and friendships, with carers and children alike.

Baby Toddlers

We Believe In Keeping Children Physically & Mentally Engaged

In Baby Toddlers, we carry out developmental checks throughout the child’s time in the room, using the early year’s foundation stage as a guide, in order to ensure that the children are all reaching their developmental goals.

In Baby Toddlers, we plan all activities around the early year’s foundation stage to promote development in all areas of learning. Our aim is to help your child develop from babies into toddlers, by introducing a more structured way of learning through play, while making learning as fun as possible.

In Baby Toddlers, we follow a daily routine, which provides the child with a sense of security and stability, which is especially important at this stage of development.

In Baby Toddlers, we plan all activities around the early year’s foundation stage to promote development in all areas of learning. Our aim is to help your child develop from babies into toddlers, by introducing a more structured way of learning through play, while making learning as fun as possible.

In Baby Toddlers, we follow a daily routine, which provides the child with a sense of security and stability, which is especially important at this stage of development.

As the children develop and begin to show an increased level of independence this year, they can often demonstrate ‘challenging
behaviour’, which can manifest itself in many different ways, from pushing to biting and temper tantrums! Whilst this can be a frustrating time for the child, as they are only just beginning to develop social skills and have limited language, we aim to provide support through a calm and consistent approach, encouraging the children to take turns, be kind to each other and remember ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.


We Believe In Keeping Children Physically & Mentally Engaged

In Toddlers, we continue to assess the children using the foundation stage guidelines, which will be completed at the end of your child’s year with us.

In Toddlers our aim is to build on the foundation laid down by the Baby Toddler Room and to help your child prepare for the more structured environment of pre-school.

Our emphasis is still on learning through play, however we are beginning to encourage the children to participate in more complex
activities which therefore helps them to extend their skills, while maintaining a fun and happy environment.

In Toddlers, we further the child’s language and communication skills, by introducing simple french words into their vocabulary,
through the circle time activity. As with Baby Toddlers, it is an opportunity for us to sit together as a group and talk to each other,
however this time we introduce french words for hello/goodbye, please/thank you, colours and numbers.

We also encourage the children this year to be able to identify their own name and we begin to look at the letters in them. We will introduce more complex creative activities, like the use of scissors!

How You Can Help:

  • Encourage them to use a fork and spoon together, then a knife when they are able. This allows them to feed themselves and helps them to become more independent.
  • Sharing and turn taking games are great at introducing ‘rules’ to the children and help to promote social skills, as well as being fun.
  • Encouraging your child to put on their own coat, gives them a sense of achievement, builds confidence and allows them to develop their own independence. By the end of the year most of the children should be able to attempt simple fastenings e.g. zips.
  • Encourage your child to use a ‘big’ cup, one without a lid.


Information about our Pre-School Room

In Pre-school we do an individual assessment of each child at the end of each term, using the early years foundation stage. Once the assessment has been completed at the end of each term, we will provide you with an informal written ‘report’ to let you know how your child is getting on and what areas we are focusing on next.

In pre-school, we aim to give the children the best start to “big school” that we can.

Our aim is to continue to develop your child’s learning through a fun and interesting programme of activities, using the early years
foundation stage in all activities, to develop new skills that will enable the children to develop to their full potential and for the transition to “big school” to be as smooth as possible.

In pre-school, we are more structured than in the other rooms and that is reflected in the activities we are now introducing. One of the main things we introduce are the ‘jolly phonics’, which introduce letters and the alphabet to your child in fun and friendly way, using actions, pictures and through their own alphabet book, where they cut and stick the sound of the week and an image that begins with that sound. The “jolly phonics” system is used in the primary schools and uses the actual letter ‘sound’ rather than the name, which encourages the child to sound out and read simple words, when they are ready.

We also continue to develop the children’s understanding of numerals and number recognition, and aim for the children to recognise numerals and their quantity up to 10, (hopefully to 20, and above!)

How you can help:

  • Talk! – Talk about their day and what they have learnt. This helps to reinforce the learning and gets them to use the skills outside the classroom environment.
  • Games – are a great way of challenging your child to learn and improve different skills, aswell as providing opportunities for social interaction introducing rules. Everything from snakes and ladders to eye spy, and hide and seek!
  • Independence - it can be frustrating when you’re in a hurry and they insist on ‘doing it themselves’ but encouraging them to complete simple tasks themselves builds confidence and will help them greatly when they get to school.
  • Talk to us! – if you have any concerns or just want to know how your child is getting on come and talk to us. This will help us to provide the best opportunities for your child.


Our On-Site Cook Ensures Healthy Meals & Snacks

Our on-site cook provides the children (from babies up to our rising fives) with a healthy and nutritious cooked lunch. Meal times are an important time of the children’s day for encouraging good manners and excellent social skills. Fresh fruit is given to the children twice a day for their morning and afternoon snack.



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Our Curriculum

Little Angels Nursery EYFS Curriculum

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
Every child deserves the best possible start in life and support to fulfil their potential as a child’s experience in the early years has a great impact on their future. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework provides assurances that our nursery will keep your child safe and support them in order to thrive.

The over reaching aim of the EYFS is to support young children to achieve the every child matters outcomes:

  • Staying safe

  • Being healthy

  • Enjoying and achieving

  • Making a positive contribution

  • Achieving economic well-being

The EYFS principle guides the work throughout our nursery and is grouped into 4 main themes:

  • A UNIQUE CHILD: recognises that every child is a
    competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident
    and self assured. The commitments are focused around development;
    inclusion; safety and health and well-being.
  • POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: describes how children
    learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure
    relationships with parents and/or key person. The commitments are
    focused around respect; partnerships with parents; supporting learning
    and the role of the key person.
  • ENABLING ENVIRONMENTS: explains that the
    environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s
    development and learning. The commitments are focused around
    observation, assessment and planning; support for every child; the
    learning environment; and the wider context – transitions, continuity
    and multi-agency working.
  • LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT: recognises that children
    develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and that all
    areas of learning are equally important and inter-connected.

There are six areas covered by the early learning goals and educational programmes for children from 0 – 5 years of age:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication, Language and Literacy
  • Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
  • Knowledge and Understanding of the World
  • Physical Development
  • Creative Development